Temperature and Humidity Cycling Test
Temperature and humidity cycling tests offered at LABCOMPANION Laboratories. Temperature and humidity cycling tests are often referred to as environmental chamber tests. During these tests, your products can be exposed to a constant temperature and relative humidity or a cycled temperature and relative humidity.
LABCOMPANION operates six climatic chambers ranging from tabletop models to 1700 pi3 walk-in chambers. In addition, our testing chambers offer a temperature range covering from -78 °C to + 200 °C and a relative humidity range between 5 to 95% RH. Our largest unit can hold up to 12 pallet loads at once. The various environmental accelerated aging tests that we can perform in our facility will allow you to validate your product designs early in the development process.
Various temperature and humidity cycling tests can be used to identify problems with the product’s operation and design. In addition, chamber testing can help to better understand how the product behaves and operates on an ongoing basis.
While your units are undergoing environmental simulation, we can follow, in real-time, your product’s behavior with our data acquisition systems or perform fatigue testing while being in an ambient controlled environment. We are also equipped for performing tensile and compression strength within under these conditions.
Temperature and Humidity Cycling
Temperature and humidity cycling tests are widely used by a broad range of industries. Our customer base is composed of manufacturers in the following industries: automotive, furniture, electronics, aerospace, electrical, pharmaceutical, composite materials and many others. We can test to the following test methods: ASTM D3103, SAE J1455, MIL-STD-810, MIL-STD-883, MIL-STD 202, Telcordia GR-63 and many others.
We often undertake additional complementary material testing services when testing our clients’ products.
Our chambers can be used to condition a product prior to testing it under a different material test. In addition, our chambers can perform numerous accelerated aging tests such as temperature and humidity cycling tests.
Typical Experimental Parameters
Dimensions and number of samples: from small parts to 9 full pallet loads
Temperature profile: between -78 °C and +150 °C
Relative humidity profile: between 15% and 95 %
If you require additional information about temperature and humidity cycling tests or if you need more information about material testing in general, we invite you to contact our material testing lab today. It will be our pleasure to answer your questions.
Below is a list of Temperature and Humidity Cycling Tests we can perform for you.
Temperature Resistance / Heat Resistance / Thermal Cycle / Shock Test
ASTM C884/ C884M
ASTM D5427
ASTM D6944
FCA LP-463-PB-22-01
FCA LP-463-PB-64-01
FCA PF.90176 (5.1, 5.2)
Ford ESFL34-18C310-AA (3.17)
Ford ESGV61-18D473-AA (R1, R2, R3)
Ford ESGV61-18D473-AB (3.22. 3.23. 3.24)
Ford FLTM BI 107-05
Ford FLTM BQ 104-07
Ford WSS-M1P83-F1 (3.6)
Ford WSS-M2P177-A1-5 (3.5.7)
Ford WSS-M2P184-A (3.6, 3.7, 3.8) superseded by WSS-M15P52-A (2009) (3.3.5, 3.3.6)
Ford WSS-M2P190-A (3.4.7, 3.4.8)
Ford WSS-M70J5-C1 (3.8.9, 3.8.10)
Fuji/Subaru TS 430-7-82 (6.2.13)
GM 4372M (3.5.2) superseded by GMW 14672 (3.4.6)
GMW 14658 (3.4.8)
GMW 14668 (3.4.6, 3.4.7, 3.4.8)
Harley-Davidson ES805-07011 (6.7)
Harley-Davidson ES805-07012 (6.7)
Honda 4251Z-SEP-A000 (5-7)
Honda 9000Z-T2A-A000 (6.11)
Honda 9000Z-SJA-A000 (6.11)
Honda HES D6001 (4.4.1)
Honda HES D6501 (3.20.1, 3.29)
ISO 3270
IEEE C57.12.32 (4.5.6)
John Deere JDQ 148
John Deere JDQ 149
MIL-DTL-19834 (4.6.12)
MIL-M-13508 (4.4.4)
MIL-STD-810 (Methods 501.6, 502.6)
Navistar CEMS GT-14C superseded by MPAPS GT-Paint (GT-14C)
Nissan NES M0007 (Method 46)
SAE AMS-2403 (3.4.3)
SAE AMS-3095 (
Toyota TSH 3101G (5.7)
Toyota TSH 1551G
Volkswagen TL211 (5.1, 5.1.1)
Volkswagen TL212 (3.7)
Volkswagen TL256 (9)
Yamaha YGK-8-501 (7.12, 7.13)