Reliability Testing for Telcordia (Bellcore) Test Requirements:
Many products in the telecommunications industry are required to meet various Telcordia (Bellcore) Generic Requirement (GR) specifications to establish product quality and reliability. Several of these specifications require environmental/thermal testing and often refer to other MIL STD and EIA / TIA test specifications. We offer a full line of test chambers capable of meeting these requirements. Our chambers simulate environmental conditions that these telecommunications products will be exposed to during the product’s use, transportation, and/or storage.
Listed below are a few common Telcordia test specifications that require the use of environmental testing. Outlined are the test conditions related to our test chambers along with the LABCOMPANION model we recommend to perform the test. For more information on Telecordia General Requirements or to purchase a copy of the full specification, visit Telcordia’s web site at
Telcordia (Bellcore) Generic Requirement
Description/Applicable Product
for Outdoor Telephone Network Interface Devices
for Network Equipment-Building System Requirements (NEBS): Physical Protection
for Single Mode Optical Connectors and Jumper Assemblies (Fiber Optics)
for Optoelectronic Devices Used in Telecommunications Equipment
for Electronic Equipment Cabinets (Enclosures)
for Telecommunications Line Protector Units (TLPUS)
for Fiber Optic Branching Components
for Passive Optical Components
The above list is not intended to be inclusive of all Telcordia Generic Requirements that require environmental testing. If you have a test requirement for other Telcordia specifications, contact us to see how we can meet your needs.
We also provide ports of various sizes (circular, square and rectangular) for your cable routing needs. You simply specify your port location and fixture needs. Every Telcordia (Bellcore) specification referenced above requires testing at the low temperature of -40°C. Our new Tundra system can efficiently test your product down to the low temperature of -45°C and be included in any environmental chamber. Click here to see how our new Tundra refrigeration system can benefit your company!